For 30 years, Dr. Kaufman has provided advice and counsel in the general area of leadership and organizational effectiveness to leaders in higher education and the non-profit sector. Clients include presidents, chancellors, CEO's, COO's, provosts and deans. All products and services are customized to meet client needs by maximizing their leadership effectiveness.
Services Include:
Executive Coaching for Senior Administrative Leaders
Customized assessment processes, including interview protocols, a comprehensive report of findings and a series of coaching services with targeted recommendations and reading materials are designed by Dr. Kaufman. She also offers customized coaching for women leaders and provides ongoing advice and counsel to clients on organizational issues.
Executive On-Boarding for Senior Administrative Leaders
Dr. Kaufman assists her clients with developing a systematic on-boarding process that introduces the newly appointed administrative leader to the organizational culture, shared decision-making processes, unwritten norms and more.
Campus Readiness Assessment to Support Newly Appointed
In helping senior leaders transition to their new roles and changing environment, Dr. Kaufman assesses their new environment and institutional culture as well as the leadership capabilities of their new teams. Coaching and team building services are offered in order to increase the leadership effectiveness of both newly appointed leaders and their teams.
Retreat Facilitation for Senior Leadership Teams
Dr. Kaufman offers retreats for proactive system and campus leaders who want to get real work done with their teams at a strategic level. Topics include strategy development, strategic communication, effective collaboration across divisions, change management, on-boarding, effective team communication, conflict management, doing more with less and leadership style effectiveness.
Comprehensive Performance Review Process
Customized comprehensive performance review processes for system heads, campus presidents and chancellors are designed by Dr. Kaufman who also conducts such comprehensive assessments. She has also developed custom assessments for senior administrators that are linked to institutional needs and goals as well as professional development opportunities.
Retreat Facilitation and Board Development for Campus or Non-Profit Boards or Foundations
Dr. Kaufman offers board development assessment services and retreat facilitation. Because she has typically already worked with the president, chancellor or CEO, she is able to serve as a “translator” to the board in terms of the institution’s mission, strategic objectives, culture and leadership strengths and weaknesses.
Successful change initiatives are driven by leaders and their teams, not solely by an individual chancellor, president or dean. In today's dynamic post-pandemic higher education environment, the individuals at the helm must also work strategically to develop a bold vision for their institution and devise an inclusive pathway of collaboration to achieve that vision. Changing employee expectations about their work and personal lives also require innovative strategies.
To learn more about any of our services, please email
Dr. Kaufman at
or call 760.324.3271