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Dr. Gretchen M. Bataille 

ROI Strategic Partner

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Invited Presentations (2012-2015)


"American Education System."  Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh, India

"Women in American Society."  Mody University of Science and Technology, Lakshmangarh, India
"Competency-Based Education: The Elephant in Higher Education's Classroom."  College Board Forum, New York, NY

“Ongoing Transformation of American Education P-20 Education System.” Pennsylvania Association of Councils of Trustees, Harrisburg, PA

“Women and Leadership.” Leadership America, Washington, DC

“Breaking through the Glass Ceiling:  Career Success and Satisfaction.” Henkel Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ

“University Leadership:  The Governance Balancing Act.” NAPAHE, Washington, DC

“Representations of Indigenous Histories to Create Contemporary Realities.”  Florida Humanities Council, Fort Myers, FL

“You and Your Governing Board: Food for Thought.” APLU, Denver, CO

“National Summit on the Investment Payoff: Supporting Efforts to Increase the Benefits of Higher Education for Underserved Populations.”   Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) and the Pathways to College Network, Washington, DC

​ “Ethics and Leadership.”  ACE Institute for New Presidents, Washington, DC

“The Leadership Challenge for Department Chairs.” ACE Leadership Academy for Department Chairs, Chicago, IL

“Streamlining the Path to Degree Completion through Effective PLA Policies.” College Board Forum, Miami, FL

“Career Options in Higher Education.”  Junior Faculty Professional Development Conference, Tampa, FL

“The Role of Leadership in US Higher Education.” UNCG Leadership Forum, Greensboro,NC

“Education Attainment: Challenges and Opportunity.”  ACE Fellows Retreat, Indianapolis

“Women and Leadership:  Career Success and Satisfaction.”  Women’s Leadership Series, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

“Defining Inclusive Excellence in Higher Education.” Iowa Network for Women in Higher Education, Ames, IA

“The Role of Leadership in Establishing a Diverse Campus.”  Texas A&M University, College Station, TX

“The US and UAE:  Partnerships.” Zayed University, UAE

“The American College President:  What are the Trends?” TIAA-CREF Institute on Higher Education Leadership Summit, New York, NY

“Quality Assurance: An International Perspective.”  ACE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA

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